
Weight Loss Mistakes That Cause People to Plateau

 Lots of people who battle against weight loss plateaus may find that common mistakes are the cause. It doesn't matter just how long somebody spends on the treadmill, or even how many food groups are cut from the diet. Making these kinds of mistakes will make losing weight much more difficult, and is more likely to result in falling off the wagon and gaining the weight back (and more).

  • One of the biggest mistakes is actually not drinking plenty of water can also make it weight loss difficult. One problem is that water suppresses the appetite to prevent someone consuming too much. However, it is also needed to proper kidney function. Without that, the liver has to do more work and the entire body starts storing more calories. Water is also needed to assist with the digestive tract, and those who are dehydrated could find moving their bowels difficult.
  • Not eating enough of the appropriate types of food. Lots of diets cut out essential food groups, such as carbs and fats. The body needs the vitamins and minerals which come from various kinds of foods, which includes potatoes and olive oil. If it fails to gain these kinds of minerals, the metabolism can reduce. The metabolism affects the rate of calories being burned. When the amount of calories being burned slowed down, the body stores all of them and that leads to weight gain. 
  • Another common weight-loss mistake which causes people to plateau is not eating enough. Workout boosts the metabolic rate, which should lead to more calories being burned. However, if the body does not get enough food to fuel the rate, the change will not be as expected. Even without workouts, it is possible to put the entire body into starvation mode. The body clings onto the calories, believing that it will not get enough later. However, people do give the body the calories required, so that leads to excess calories. 
  • There is the chance that not enough exercise is taking place. As the amount of fat as well as muscle reduces, the amount of calories being burned reduces. To see the same amount of calories burned on a daily basis, the amount of activity and workout needs to increase too. This is also helpful since it prevents someone getting bored of their exercises, and will prevent the body simply getting used to it and not seeing any muscle-building benefit. 
  • Having high blood sugar levels causes a issue too. Carbs are converted into glucose, leading to blood sugar raising. This leads to hormone imbalances, which can affect the metabolic rate. Such as not getting enough minerals and vitamins, slowing down the metabolic process means more calories are stored by the entire body, and weight is gained. The change in hormones can also affect the mood, which could lead to eating more without realizing. 
  • Trying to find a balance is essential for those trying to lose weight. When it comes to plateaus, there is always the fear that there will be a weight gain one week. However, that could be needed to help begin reducing your weight again. The weight loss mistakes above are those most common which cause people to struggle with a plateau during their journey.


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