
Six Foods for Healthy Eyes

Your eyes aid you in performing your daily tasks, and with a good pair of eyes, opportunities as broad as the horizon are right within your reach.  Your eyes are perhaps one of the most used (and abused) parts of your body.  Your risk for vision loss increases as you age.  However, better caring for your eyes today and eating a diet to support the proper eye functioning can aid in maintaining healthy eyes for long.  They need tender loving care to continue functioning well.

Below are six foods you’d want to incorporate into your diet to keep your eyes healthy and beautiful all the time:

Carrots - Every single literature that talks about eye health will have carrots on top of their list.  Carrots are rich in Vitamin A, specifically beta-carotene, which gives this yummy veggie, which some people prefer as a snack, its orange color.  In a study which involved more than 3,000 subjects aged between 55 and 80 years old, it was found that subjects at higher risk of developing Advanced Macular Degeneration (AMD) decreased their risk by 25 per cent after receiving supplementation that contains a combination of antioxidants (Vitamins A, C, and E) and zinc.  Carrots are your best source of Vitamin A; a good source of Vitamin C; and, also a great source of potassium which helps prevent dry eyes.

Leafy greens and colorful fruits - These foods are rich in carotenoids, including lutein and zeaxanthin, which are known to reduce the risk of developing cataracts, AMD, and other eye diseases.  Spinach, broccoli, and colorful fruits are your best sources of these carotenoids.
Eggs - Eggs are also a great source of lutein and zeaxanthin, and although fruits and vegetables contain higher amounts of these carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin from eggs are more easily absorbed and used by the body.  These two carotenoids are concentrated in the eyes, particularly in the lens and the retina.  A literature review on the “Effects of lutein and zeaxanthin on aspects of eye health” found that several studies have suggested the role of these two antioxidants in decreasing the risk of developing AMD, cataracts and other eye diseases, and in maintaining eye health.

Citrus and berries - Vitamin C-rich citrus and berries also help prevent the risk of developing chronic eye diseases.  Vitamin C has been shown to aid in cell repair, including those in the eyes.  Citrus and berries also contain phytonutrients called anthocyanin’s which helps improve and maintain the ability of your eyes to see in the dark.  The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommend a daily intake of Vitamin C at 90 mg/day for males and 75 mg/day for females.  Younger and older people, smokers, and stressed workers are advised to increase daily doses.  Vegetables and fruits generally contain high amounts of Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is also available as a supplement.

Almonds - Almonds are a great source of Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that boosts immune health, and aids in maintaining cell health and in cell repair, including those of the eyes.  Vitamin E is generally recommended to prevent AMD and cataracts.  Other foods rich in Vitamin E include peanuts, yellow, green, and orange fruits and vegetables, oils (vegetable, fish, and olive), and liver.

Fatty fish - Fatty fish like tuna, salmon, bluefish, and marine animal oil supplements are rich in Omega-3, and in particular, Docosahexaenoic acid or simply, DHA.  DHA is most abundant in the retina and its roles in proper retina development and functioning have been demonstrated.  DHA is known to aid in optimal visual development among infants, while sufficient doses in adults have been shown to prevent AMD, dry eyes, and retinal diseases.  Fatty fish are also a good source of Vitamin E.

Keeping your eyes healthy requires you to deliberate care of your pair of gems you will never be willing to lose, not even with age.  Incorporate foods mentioned in your diet and start caring for your eyes today.  With proper nourishment and eye care, your eyes will be functioning well for life.


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